But That's Just My Opinion
But That's Just My Opinion is a Podcast hosted by Matt Lantrip where he interviews people about any opinion they have on any topic of their choosing! Matt and Guests will talk about politics, sports, movies, music, video games, and culture in general. If someone has a strong opinion, Matt wants to know about it! Like us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/BTJMOPodFollow us on twitter at @BTJMOPodDonate at www.patreon.com/BTJMOPod
51 episodes
Who Wants To Live In The City Anyways?
It's not goodbye, it's see ya later. This is the last episode for the foreseeable future. It's been an amazing year, and thank you to all who have listened. Enjoy the last episode for the foreseeable future where David and Matt talk about the pr...

D&D Summer Event Part 4!
It is here! The end of our D&D Summer Event! Find out how the gang fairs in the tree with the old hags. Will they make it out, or will it be the end of them?Find out this week on But That's Just My Opinion!
Song of the week: "Dream On" by Cult...

D&D Summer Event Part 3!
Part 3 is here! We've been gone for a couple weeks but we are back with an action packed episode of monsters, warriors, and whatever that weird little twitchy dude is. Now that the gang has survived their first attack, what will they run into ne...

D&D Summer Event Part 2!
Let the make believe continue! It's part 2 of our D&D Summer Event and our heroes are about to encounter their first battle. Will they survive? Will they find what they are looking for? Will Bert Macklin make FBI Commissioner? Listen and find ou...

The Best Bar In Town w/ Paul Sims
On this weeks episode of But That's Just My Opinion, David is out sick so Matt gets Carly to fill in and they are joined by Carly's brother Paul! They talk about their best and worst experience in the LA Bar Scene and the best and worst bars acco...

D&D Summer Event Part 1!
It's finally here! It's the first part in our D&D summer event. David and Matt are joined by Mike Hill, Kirk Blackwood, Taylor Pancake, and Carly Lantrip as David takes the group through a fun adventure he created. It's a fantasy story semi made...

Lack Luster Summer Blockbusters
On this weeks episode of But That's Just My Opinion, David and Matt talk about the lack luster lineup of the past few years summer movies. They look at why these movies aren't good, or getting them excited, and the last summer line up they were a...

Building Characters For D&D
It's about that time! The is the origin story, the .5 issue, the prequel to our summer event of Dungeons and Dragons! This week, David helps Matt and Carly make their character sheets from scratch for the upcoming campaign. If you have never play...

Made Up Theories About Made Up Shows
On this weeks episode of But That's Just My Opinion, Matt and David discuss some of their favorite fan theories about different movies and TV Shows. They create a scale to rate all these theories and it truly might just be the best scale ever cre...

E3 2017 Recap W/ Kirk Blackwood
On this weeks episode of But That's Just My Opinion, Kirk Blackwood is back to talk about this year's E3 convention. We talk all the major conferences and some of the smaller ones. Each of us has a winner and loser of the weekend and a surprise f...

Wine Is For Everyone! - W/ Carly & Wil
On this weeks episode of But That's Just My Opinion, Carly and Wil are back to do a wine tasting with David and Matt. Carly wants everyone to know that you don't have to be a rich snob to enjoy wine and it's fairly cheap to get into and helps Dav...

The Death Of Nerdom W/ Wil Pond
On this weeks episode of But That's Just My Opinion, Wil Pond returns!! Instead of getting all governmenty this time, we get political about nerd stuff! Wil tells us why Nerdom is going away and what killed it to begin with. Rate, Review and Subs...

The Importance of Objects in Film
On this weeks episode of But That's Just My Opinion, David takes Matt through his personal study of characters in films and special relationships they have with the objects that are held dear to them. Also check out David's video essay on the sub...

How Much Hype Is Too Much?
This week on But That's Just My Opinion, David and Matt look at recent marketing and hype around video games, movies, and music and determine whether the hype was worth it or not and how to possibly fix the disappointment fans feel from their favo...

Performance Artist Or Crazy?
This week on But That's Just My Opinion, David and Matt dive into the world of eccentric celebrities and try to determine if they are crazy or performance artists. They talk Miley Cyrus, Shia Lebeouf, and more. Find out who they think is just ex...

What's Your Guilty Pleasure?
This week on But That's Just My Opinion, David and Matt discuss their guilty pleasures in Music, Movies, Video Games and more. If you thought you knew them, this is a new insight that you may never thought you would hear!
Song of the week: Mil...

Batman The Libertarian Hero! W/ Alex McBroom
This week on But That's Just My Opinion, we are joined by Alex McBroom to talk about Batman! Specifically how Frank Miller's "The Dark Knight Returns" turns Batman into a hero with libertarian values. We discuss how these values play out through ...

Animation For All Ages w/ Taylor Pancake
On this weeks episode of But That's Just My Opinion, We are joined by David's girl friend Taylor Pancake to discuss Animation! Mainly discussing cartoons that are popular today and back in the day. We talk why these shows keep us watching and want...

The Side Effects Of Social Media w/ Reid Ackerman
On this weeks But That's Just My Opinion, Reid Ackerman returns to discuss how social media has changed the way we live in 2017. We discuss how it effects what we do in every day life, as well as the business aspects of the platforms we all spend...

How to make a Cine-Verse Work
This week on But That's Just My Opinion, David and Matt break down what made the Marvel Cinematic Universe work at first and where all the Cine-Verses are failing now.
Song of the week: Kurt Vile "Pretty Pimpin"
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Custom Funko Pops and Art Collecting W/ David Jeffrey
This week on But That's Just My Opinion, David Jeffery is back to finally discuss in full his Funko Pop creating and selling. We discuss how he comes up with all his ideas, what he does to create them and how he found his way into the market. We ...

The Linguistics of Arrival W/ Daniel Morales
On this weeks But That's Just My Opinion, Daniel Morales joins Matt and David to discuss the linguistics aspects of Arrival (2016). Daniel dives deep into the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis and how that shapes the reality of the film and how the theory i...

R Rated Comic Book Movies
On this weeks episode of But That's Just My Opinion, David and Matt go over the movies adapted from comic books that got R ratings. They determine whether or not the movie deserved that R and if it could have been made without going for an R rati...

You Should Play More Board Games w/ Mike Hill
This week on But That's Just My Opinion, the boys are joined by Mike Hill to talk about board games, and not just Monopoly and Yahtzee. Mike and David dive into some of their favorite games as well as the various types of games out there so anyon...